'Jersey John', as he was affectionately known by the people of New York and New Jersey, quickly rose to prominence as one of the finest 'fancy' skaters of his era and toured New England challenging the mettle of the best skaters of each city. He won medals in Boston, Buffalo, Hartford, Jersey City, Newark, Pittsburgh, Rochester, New York and Rochester, New Jersey and competed against Captain John Miner, E.T. Goodrich and Callie Curtis at the Championships Of America. Jersey John was a familiar face on many New York skating ponds during this era and a member of the exclusive Union Skating Association Of East Brooklyn, where he dazzled many with his grapevine twist. The January 9, 1919 edition of the Troy, New York "Daily Times" even claimed that he taught Jackson Haines himself "how to cut all sorts of fancy figures".
In April 1861, Jersey John enlisted as Private in Company G of the 2nd New Jersey Regiment and went off to fight in the Civil War. He was stationed in Alexandria, Virginia in defense of Washington, D.C. in his first of two stints as a Union soldier and as a First Sargeant and Colour Bearer of the 21st New Jersey Regiment in his second, fighting at the Battle of Fredericksburg and Franklin's Crossing. Suffering three wounds (leg, temple and thigh) during the battles he heroically fought in, he earned four medals for bravery and sharp shooting.
Woodcut of John Engler, Jr. 'executing the backward roll' with Dolly Bedell at Union Pond
After the Civil War, Jersey John married a German woman named Lavinia. Dividing his time between skating and working as a tinsmith, he fathered fourteen children, eight of which survived. After Jackson Haines went to Europe, he re-emerged as one of the top American skaters of his day. The January 19, 1865 edition of the "Troy Press" raved, "Mr. John Engler, the great champion skater, appeared at the skating park yesterday afternoon. His performances elicited great applause from the people present. We think it would be a paying investment for the directors to engage Mr. E. to remain in Troy for a few days. He would draw patronage to the park like a 'star' at the opera house." His specialities included a spread eagle and a figure eight joined in the middle with a flying three jump.
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